Thursday, March 08, 2007

Snows of Kilimanjaro

We made it!!! 20 km total and uphill the whole first half. But it was beautiful and well worth the journey. I was the only one who power walked it, everyone else valiantly ran and some did quite well placing in the top 135 of ~550 runners. The winner of the full marathon was a Tanzanian who ran it in about 2h18min. The snows of Kilimanjaro were there indeed but thinning according to a local friend of a friend who summits regularly as a tour guide. According to Inconvenient Truths, there will be no snows of Kilimanjaro in ~10 years. Despite thinning snows, the mountain was a true jewel. We did plenty of celebrating afterwards as can be witnessed by our Kilimanjaro beers.

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